Welcome to Camp at Next Level Martial Arts. We offer camps on Teacher workdays, spring and winter break, and all summer!
Our Camp Goal is to provide a top-quality camp that includes having fun in a nurturing and disciplined environment where children can grow while engaging in age-appropriate activities. To provide an environment where your child can learn to express themselves and have their needs heard and met. To teach children how to express and self-advocate within a group, and to provide building of confidence, self-discipline, and respect.
Our camp is highly structured and disciplined.
Karate classes are separate and can be added. Therefore no experience necessary.
Camp Operation hours are from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday, with early drop off beginning at 8:00 a.m. and late pick up till – 5:45 p.m. at no additional charge.
Campers need to arrive by 10am for camp as there are daily field trips.
Daily field trips to parks, swimming, outdoor exploration, skate rink, and more. Some fields trips may have an additional cost.
Camp cost – $199 per week, $25 deposit to reserve your spot, Part time weeks will be optional beginning in May for weeks with availability.
Registration for Full days when schools are out: https://sparkpages.io/?i=_yvX
Registration for Spring Break Camp: https://sparkpages.io/?i=_g6bb
Registration for 2024 Summer camp: https://sparkpages.io/?i=_Hmgb